東加宣布禁止海參作業3年為讓深受過漁及非法作業衝擊的海參生態復育,東加漁業部宣布禁止被評為非永續等級的海參作業3年。東加政府將修正管理計西裝畫及進行為期2年的資源生態評估工作。該部部長表示,早於10年前也有為復育生態禁止作業過,但自2008年開放作業後,非永續作業漁法又故態復萌。該租辦公室部將結合海關、警政單位的力量共同打擊非法作業及黑市活動。該部認為,儘管該禁令會影響某些人的工作及收入,但為了長期利益仍是勢在必行。(摘訂做禮服譯自INFOFISH Trade News, No. 11/2012,15 June 2012) The Ministry of Fisheries has announced the closure to fishing of sea cucumbers 賣房子for three years to allow the stock to recover from overfishing and illegal fishing, saying that sea cucumber fishing is unsustainable 酒店經紀at its current rate. The government will revise the management plan and conduct an assessment of stock levels in two years’ time. The 買房子director of the ministry said that an earlier 10-year moratorium allowed levels to recover but since it was lifted in 2008, people 房地產have failed to harvest sustainably. The ministry will be working with customs and police authorities to crack down on illegal fishing 節能燈具and black market activities. Although some jobs and earnings would be affected by the closure, the move is necessary for the long-term 商務中心benefit, the ministry reported.

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